Dr. Nelson Rubio Silfa
Dr. Rubio graduated as a doctor in 1984 from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) in Santiago, Dominican Republic. Afterwards, he studied general surgery in 1986 and 1987 in the San Vicente de Paul Hospital, University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia. Due to his achievements, he was accepted for the plastic surgery residency at this prestigious institution and consequently graduated in 1991.
Regresa a República Dominicana a laborar como cirujano plástico en el Centro médico Dr. Bournigal de Puerto Plata y a partir de 1993 en la Clínica Corominas hasta la fecha. Pertenece en la actualidad al cuerpo medico del reciente y moderno Hospital metropolitano de Santiago (HOMS).
functioning as Chief of the Plastic Surgery Department. His main office is located here. He is also a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Sociedad Dominicana de Cirugía Plastica y Reconstructiva, Federación Ibero Latinoamericana de Cirugía Plástica (FILACP), and of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).
Dr. Rubio is a professional with more than thirty years of continuous exercise, with a spotless moral and ethical professional code. The society of Santiago, his colleagues, and his thousands of patients honor him with their trust.
Dr. Francis Llaverías Guzmán
Dr. Nelson Rubio Silfa and his team celebrated the arrival of a new member in 2014, plastic surgeon Dr. Francis Llaverías Guzmán. Dr. Llaverias is a specialist in head and neck rejuvenation, nasal cosmetic surgery, and art techniques of body contouring. He graduated as a doctor cum laude from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra in 2007.
Afterwards, he moved to Brazil for six years, where he completed his specialization in Sao Paulo under the tutelage of the world-renowned plastic surgeon, Professor Dr. Osvaldo Saldanha. After its completion, Dr. Llaverias returned to the Dominican Republic and joined Dr. Rubio to apply his accumulated knowledge and experience in his hometown.
Dr. Francis Llaverías is a member of the Dominican Society of Plastic Surgery (SODOCIPRE), and is certified on liposuction procedures with Vaser technology. In this sense, he completes the range of services offered by Dr. Rubio in the field of health and beauty. Their collaboration has made both doctors the best choice of quality and safety in plastic surgery in the Caribbean area.
Memberships that certify us as reliable Plastic Surgeons: